Data-Driven Change in Louisiana: Strategies for Sign Language Interpreter Profession Growth

Our work with the Louisiana Commission for the Deaf uncovered critical gaps in the state’s ASL interpreter profession. With only 72 certified interpreters for 200,000 Deaf residents, the need for action was clear.


  • Legislative advocacy for interpreter standards
  • Expanded ASL training programs
  • Strengthened community collaboration
  • Established the state’s first interpreter registry and advisory committee

The needs assessment revealed the urgent need for standardized certification, diversity, and professional development. These insights informed key strategies to reform the state’s interpreting services.

Learn more about:

  • Interpreter scarcity, quality, and its impact on essential services
  • The role of certification, standards, and professional development
  • The model of professionalization of interpreters that was used and the subsequent recommendations

Download the Full Case Study Here

Innivee Strategies thanks the Louisiana community and the LCD for their pivotal role in supporting this case study to improve access to ASL interpreting services. Their efforts not only address critical needs in Louisiana but also created a model for nationwide change in communication access for Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing communities.
